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Pursuant to Article 136 of the Law on Companies ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 065/20), shareholders are informed that by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, no. 1455-N/21 from May 11th 2021, the ordinary Shareholders' Assembly of “Novi duvanski kombinat” JSC Podgorica was convened on June 17 2021 which shall take place in the premises of the Company, Kraljice Milene bb, Podgorica, starting at 10 a.m.

For the session the following was established:


  1. 1. Introduction to the unique list of shareholders and election of working bodies of the General Meeting;
  1. 2. Adoption of the Record from the previous General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 17th 2021;
  1. 3. Adoption of the Company's Articles of Association;
  1. 4. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company;
  1. 5. Review and adoption of annual financial statements and reports on the Company's operations for 2020, with the report of the independent auditor "Ernst & Young Montenegro" LLC Podgorica;
  1. 6. Dismissal and election of members of the Board of Directors of the Company;
  1. 7. Appointment of the Company's auditor for 2021;
  1. 8. Miscellaneous.

According to the statement from the Central Clearing Depositary Company (CKDD), the total number of voting shares is 22.843.287, of which it is owned by:

-Capital City of Podgorica 2.021.816 shares (8,6% ownership),

-Government of Montenegro 270.543 shares  (1,16% ownership),

 -Grand International FZ-LLC, UAE, 20.550.928 shares (88,28% ownership).


All actions are ordinary, regular actions, with the right to vote, where each action is entitled to one vote.

It is considered that there is a quorum for the holding of the Ordinary Shareholders Assembly, if the Assembly is attended by shareholders who own at least half of the total number of shares with voting right, who are present personally, represented by a proxy or voted through the ballot papers.

The decisions are made by the majority of votes of the present or represented shareholders or through ballot papers.

When electing the members of the Board of Directors, each share with the voting right gives the number of votes equal to the number of members of the Board of Directors, which is determined by the company's Articles of Association (cumulative voting). The shareholder or proxy of a shareholder may allocate all votes to one candidate or assign them to multiple candidates at his own discretion. The candidates who won the highest number of votes are elected to the Board of Directors by the Shareholders Assembly.

The shareholder and shareholders who have at least 5% of the share capital have the right to nominate a candidate for board members.   

The material for the ordinary Shareholders Assembly shall be available to shareholders, within the legally prescribed time limit, in the business premises of the Company's headquarters, in Podgorica, every working day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The power of attorney to the Assembly of shareholders must be certified in accordance with the Law. The form of power of attorney and the voting card may be taken over by the shareholders in the business premises of the Company's headquarters, in Podgorica, every working day from 9 am to 2 pm.



Abdulsalam Murad Juwaied Alganahi m.p.

Saglasno članu 136 Zakona o privrednim društvima („Sl. list CG“ br. 065/20),  obavještavaju se akcionari da je Odlukom Odbora direktora Društva, br. 1455-N/21 od 11.05.2021.godine, sazvana redovna Skupština akcionara Novog duvanskog kombinata AD Podgorica za dan 17.06.2021. godine, koja će se održati u prostorijama Društva, Ulica kraljice Milene bb, Podgorica,  sa početkom u 10h.

Za sjednicu je utvrđen sljedeći:



  1. 1. Upoznavanje akcionara sa jedinstvenim spiskom akcionara i izbor radnih tijela Skupštine;
  1. 2. Usvajanje Zapisnika sa prethodne Skupštine akcionara održane dana 17.06.2021. godine;
  1. 3. Donošenje Statuta Društva;
  1. 4. Donošenje Poslovnika o radu Skupštine akcionara Društva;
  1. 5. Razmatranje i usvajanje godišnjih finansijskih iskaza i izvještaja o poslovanju Društva za 2020. godinu, sa izvještajem revizora “Ernst & Young Montenegro” d.o.o. Podgorica;
  1. 6. Razrješenje i izbor članova Odbora direktora Društva;
  1. 7. Imenovanje revizora Društva za 2021. godinu;
  1. 8. Razno.

Prema izvodu iz Centralno klirinškog depozitarnog društva (CKDD),  ukupan broj akcija sa pravom glasa je 22.843.287, od kojih je u vlasništvu:

-Glavnog grada-Podgorice 2.021.816 akcija (8, 6% vlasništva),

-Vlade Crne Gore 270.543 akcija (1,16% vlasništva) i

-Grand International FZ-LLC, UAE, 20.550.928 akcija (88,28% vlasništva).

Sve akcije su obične, redovne akcije, sa pravom glasa, pri čemu svaka akcija nosi pravo na jedan glas.  

Smatraće se da za održavanje rdovne Skupštine akcionara postoji kvorum, ukoliko Skupštini prisustvuju akcionari koji posjeduju najmanje polovinu od ukupnog broja akcija sa pravom glasa, a koji su prisutni lično, zastupani putem punomoćnika ili su glasali putem glasačkih listića.

Odluke se donose većinom glasova prisutnih ili zastupanih akcionara ili putem glasačkih listića.

Prilikom izbora članova Odbora direktora svaka akcija sa pravom glasa daje broj glasova jednak broju članova Odbora direktora, koji je utvrđen Statutom društva (kumulativno glasanje). Akcionar ili punomoćnik akcionara može sve glasove dati jednom kandidatu ili ih po svom nahođenju rasporediti na više kandidata. Kandidati koji osvoje najveći broj glasova izabrani su za članove odbora direktora od strane skupštine akcionara.

Akcionar i akcionari koji skupa imaju najmanje 5% akcionarskog kapitala imaju pravo predlaganja kandidata za članove odbora direktora.

Materijal za redovnu Skupštinu akcionara biće na raspolaganju akcionarima, u zakonski predviđenom roku,  u poslovnim prostorijama sjedišta Društva, u Podgorici, svakog radnog dana od 9.00 do 14.00 časova.

Punomoćje za Skupštinu akcionara mora biti ovjereno u skladu sa Zakonom. Obrazac punomoćja i glasačkog listića akcionari mogu preuzeti u poslovnim prostorijama sjedišta Društva, u Podgorici, svakog radnog dana od 9.00 do 14.00 časova.



Abdulsalam Murad Juwaied Alganahi, s.r.

In accordance with Article 36 paragraph 6 of the Company’s Law, I hereby inform you that, by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, no. 999-N/20 from May 18th 2020, the ordinary Shareholders' Assembly of “Novi duvanski kombinat” JSC Podgorica was convened on June 17th 2020 which shall take place in the premises of the Company, Ćemovsko polje bb, Podgorica, starting at 11 h.

For the session the following was established:


  1. 1. Introduction to the unique list of shareholders and election of working bodies of the General Meeting;
  1. 2. Adoption of the Record from the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 2, 2019 and the continuation of the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 17 2019;
  1. 3. Review and adoption of annual financial statements and reports on the Company's operations for 2019, with the report of the independent auditor "Ernst & Young Montenegro" LLC Podgorica;
  1. 4. Review and adoption of the Decision on covering the loss at the expense of reserves;
  1. 5. Review and adoption of the Decision on dismissal of members of the Board of Directors of the Company;
  1. 6. Review and adoption of the Decision on the selection of the Company's auditor for 2020;
  1. 7. Review and adoption of the Decision on appointment of members of the Board of Directors of the Company;
  1. 8. Review and adoption of the Decision on giving consent to the acquisition of own shares in the name of the debt of the Capital city of Podgorica to Novi duvanski kombinat JSC Podgorica;
  1. 9. Review and adoption of the Decision on changing the address of the Company's headquarters;
  1. 10. Review and adoption of the Decision on Amendments to the Statute, with the consolidated text of the Statute;
  2. 11. Miscellaneous.

According to the statement from the Central Clearing Depository Company, the total amount of issued shares is 23.276.909, of which it is owned by:

- Capital City of Podgorica 2.455.438 shares (10,5% ownership),

- Government of Montenegro 270.543 shares  (1,2% ownership),

 - Grand International FZ-LLC, UAE, 20.550.928 shares (88,3% ownership).

All actions are ordinary, regular actions, with the right to vote, where each action is entitled to one vote.

It is considered that there is a quorum for the holding of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders, if the General Meeting is attended by shareholders who own at least half of the total number of shares with voting right, who are present personally, represented by a proxy or voted through the ballot papers.

The decisions are made by the majority of votes of the present or represented shareholders or through ballot papers.

When electing the members of the Board of Directors, each share with the voting right gives the number of votes equal to the number of members of the Board of Directors, which is determined by the company's Articles of Association (cumulative voting). The shareholder or proxy of a shareholder may allocate all votes to one candidate or assign them to multiple candidates at his own discretion. The candidates who won the highest number of votes are elected to the Board of Directors by the General Meeting of the shareholders.

The shareholder and shareholders who have at least 5% of the share capital have the right to nominate a candidate for board members.   

The material for the ordinary General Meeting shall be available to shareholders, within the legally prescribed time limit, in the business premises of the Company, Ćemovsko polje bb, Podgorica, every working day from 9 am to 2 pm.

The power of attorney to the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders must be certified in accordance with the Law. The form of power of attorney and the voting card may be taken over by the shareholders in the business premises of the Company, Ćemovsko polje bb, in Podgorica, every working day from 9 am to 2 pm.





Abdulsalam Murad Juwaied Alganahi m.p.

Saglasno članu 36 stav 6 Zakona o privrednim društvima, obavještavam Vas da je Odlukom Odbora direktora Društva, br. 999-N/20 od 18.05.2020. godine, sazvana redovna Skupština akcionara Novog duvanskog kombinata AD Podgorica za dan 17.06.2020. godine, koja će se održati u prostorijama Društva, Ćemovsko polje bb, Podgorica,  sa početkom u 11 h.

Za sjednicu je utvrđen sljedeći:



  1. 1. Upoznavanje sa jedinstvenim spiskom akcionara i izbor radnih tijela Skupštine;
  1. 2. Usvajanje Zapisnika sa redovne Skupštine akcionara održane dana 02.07.2019. godine i nastavka redovne Skupštine akcionara održanog dana 17.07.2019. godine;
  1. 3. Razmatranje i usvajanje godišnjih finansijskih iskaza i izvještaja o poslovanju Društva za 2019. godinu, sa izvještajem nezavisnog revizora “Ernst&Young Montenegro” d.o.o. Podgorica;
  1. 4. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o pokriću gubitka na teret rezervi;
  1. 5. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o razrješenju članova Odbora direktora Društva;
  1. 6. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o izboru revizora Društva za 2020. godinu;
  1. 7. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o imenovanju članova Odbora direktora Društva;
  1. 8. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o davanju saglasnosti na sticanje sopstvenih akcija na ime duga Glavnog grada Podgorice prema Novom duvanskom kombinatu AD Podgorica;
  1. 9. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o izmjeni adrese sjedišta Društva;
  1. 10. Razmatranje i donošenje Odluke o izmjenama i dopunama Statuta, sa prečišćenim tekstom Statuta;
  1. 11. Razno.

Prema izvodu iz Centralno klirinškog depozitarnog društva (CKDD),  ukupan broj emitovanih akcija iznosi 23.276.909, od kojih je u vlasništvu:

- Glavnog grada-Podgorice 2.455.438 akcija (10, 5 % vlasništva),

- Vlade Crne Gore 270.543 akcija (1,2% vlasništva) i

- Grand International FZ-LLC, UAE, 20.550.928 akcija

(88,3% vlasništva).

Sve akcije su obične, redovne akcije, sa pravom glasa, pri čemu svaka akcija nosi pravo na jedan glas.  

Smatraće se da za održavanje redovne Skupštine akcionara postoji kvorum, ukoliko Skupštini prisustvuju akcionari koji posjeduju najmanje polovinu od ukupnog broja akcija sa pravom glasa, a koji su prisutni lično, zastupani putem punomoćnika ili su glasali putem glasačkih listića.

Odluke se donose većinom glasova prisutnih ili zastupanih akcionara ili putem glasačkih listića.

Prilikom izbora članova Odbora direktora svaka akcija sa pravom glasa daje broj glasova jednak broju članova Odbora direktora, koji je utvrđen statutom društva (kumulativno glasanje). Akcionar ili punomoćnik akcionara može sve glasove dati jednom kandidatu ili ih po svom nahođenju rasporediti na više kandidata. Kandidati koji osvoje najveći broj glasova izabrani su za članove odbora direktora od strane skupštine akcionara.

Akcionar i akcionari koji skupa imaju najmanje 5% akcionarskog kapitala imaju pravo predlaganja kandidata za članove odbora direktora.

Materijal za redovnu Skupštinu akcionara biće na raspolaganju akcionarima, u zakonski predviđenom roku u poslovnim prostorijama Društva, Ćemovsko polje bb, u  Podgorici, svakog radnog dana od 9.00 do 14.00 časova.

Punomoćje za Skupštinu akcionara mora biti ovjereno u skladu sa Zakonom. Obrazac punomoćja i glasačkog listića akcionari mogu preuzeti u poslovnim prostorijama Društva, Ćemovsko polje bb, u  Podgorici, svakog radnog dana od 9.00 do 14.00 časova.



Abdulsalam Murad Juwaied Alganahi, s.r.

Registarski podaci

PIB: 02860864

PDV: 30/31-10883-6

Registarski broj: 40009323

Žiro račun: 535-12338-22


Kraljice Milene bb

81000 Podgorica



Tel.: +382 20 688 000

e-mail: info@ndkp.me

