In accordance with Article 36 paragraph 6 of the Company’s Law, I hereby inform you that, by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, no. 999-N/20 from May 18th 2020, the ordinary Shareholders' Assembly of “Novi duvanski kombinat” JSC Podgorica was convened on June 17th 2020 which shall take place in the premises of the Company, Ćemovsko polje bb, Podgorica, starting at 11 h.
For the session the following was established:
- 1. Introduction to the unique list of shareholders and election of working bodies of the General Meeting;
- 2. Adoption of the Record from the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 2, 2019 and the continuation of the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 17 2019;
- 3. Review and adoption of annual financial statements and reports on the Company's operations for 2019, with the report of the independent auditor "Ernst & Young Montenegro" LLC Podgorica;
- 4. Review and adoption of the Decision on covering the loss at the expense of reserves;
- 5. Review and adoption of the Decision on dismissal of members of the Board of Directors of the Company;
- 6. Review and adoption of the Decision on the selection of the Company's auditor for 2020;
- 7. Review and adoption of the Decision on appointment of members of the Board of Directors of the Company;
- 8. Review and adoption of the Decision on giving consent to the acquisition of own shares in the name of the debt of the Capital city of Podgorica to Novi duvanski kombinat JSC Podgorica;
- 9. Review and adoption of the Decision on changing the address of the Company's headquarters;
- 10. Review and adoption of the Decision on Amendments to the Statute, with the consolidated text of the Statute;
- 11. Miscellaneous.
According to the statement from the Central Clearing Depository Company, the total amount of issued shares is 23.276.909, of which it is owned by:
- Capital City of Podgorica 2.455.438 shares (10,5% ownership),
- Government of Montenegro 270.543 shares (1,2% ownership),
- Grand International FZ-LLC, UAE, 20.550.928 shares (88,3% ownership).
All actions are ordinary, regular actions, with the right to vote, where each action is entitled to one vote.
It is considered that there is a quorum for the holding of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders, if the General Meeting is attended by shareholders who own at least half of the total number of shares with voting right, who are present personally, represented by a proxy or voted through the ballot papers.
The decisions are made by the majority of votes of the present or represented shareholders or through ballot papers.
When electing the members of the Board of Directors, each share with the voting right gives the number of votes equal to the number of members of the Board of Directors, which is determined by the company's Articles of Association (cumulative voting). The shareholder or proxy of a shareholder may allocate all votes to one candidate or assign them to multiple candidates at his own discretion. The candidates who won the highest number of votes are elected to the Board of Directors by the General Meeting of the shareholders.
The shareholder and shareholders who have at least 5% of the share capital have the right to nominate a candidate for board members.
The material for the ordinary General Meeting shall be available to shareholders, within the legally prescribed time limit, in the business premises of the Company, Ćemovsko polje bb, Podgorica, every working day from 9 am to 2 pm.
The power of attorney to the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders must be certified in accordance with the Law. The form of power of attorney and the voting card may be taken over by the shareholders in the business premises of the Company, Ćemovsko polje bb, in Podgorica, every working day from 9 am to 2 pm.
Abdulsalam Murad Juwaied Alganahi m.p.